
Property, Accra, Ghana


We are thrilled to unveil one of our most ambitious projects yet, located in the heart of Accra, Ghana. This extensive property showcases our expertise and dedication to transforming spaces through the art of tiling, spanning an impressive area of approximately 6000m².


Accra, Ghana, Africa

Transforming Spaces in Accra, Ghana

The challenge was vast, encompassing the installation of tiles over 6000m². Our team was tasked with not only laying tiles but also ensuring that the groundwork, was perfectly executed to guarantee longevity and aesthetics.
For this project, we selected high-quality tiles that complement the vibrant culture and climate of Africa. The chosen tiles are not only beautiful but also durable, capable of withstanding the test of time and the elements.

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BMF Tiling Ltd

Transforming Spaces with Masterful Tiling

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